Monday, January 26, 2009

Kids do weird things:)

So lately AJ's thing has been to make beds in random places. I wish I would have taken a picture but I didn't. He was in the kitchen in the corner of the cabinets and he balanced a stick on the drawers then put a rag over it, then got his pillow from his bed and blanket and turned the lights out (trying to make dinner) and said 'sleepin'. I don't know why, but the last 3 days he has been doing that. Mostly in the kitchen, but today it is in the living room.

He got some clothes given to him from his 4 year old cousin and they were in his room the next thing I know is that he is bringing me clothes insisting to put them on. Well, he couldn't move then fell to the ground and was rolling around bc he couldn't get up (notice I had time to get the camera and I let him struggle, opps:))

This is what daddy and AJ do to bond:

They chase each other and wrestle and then Jason throws him on the bed. I didn't realized how much of a girl I am bc while they are having a blast I just try to stay out of the way. Not one bit of it looks appealing. Girls and boys are different, I guess:)


Jennifer said...

The pic of AJ and Jason is priceless!