Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Day!!

AJ didn't really like the snow last year (I don't think I had him warm enough.) So we tried again this year. I did a great job, if I do say so myself, on getting him warm. I tight rolled his pants into his socks, oh ya:) Anyways he was really layered. He didn't know what to do with it at first. Then daddy showed him how to make it snow by throwing it up in the air, make a snow angel and how to throw snow at people. Well of course he liked throwing it at daddy the best. He came inside and was pretty dry. Then he had some hot (warm) chocolate:) He kept saying, 'yum, yum'. I think overall it was a good experience for him. (I was only out long enough to take pictures.)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Kids do weird things:)

So lately AJ's thing has been to make beds in random places. I wish I would have taken a picture but I didn't. He was in the kitchen in the corner of the cabinets and he balanced a stick on the drawers then put a rag over it, then got his pillow from his bed and blanket and turned the lights out (trying to make dinner) and said 'sleepin'. I don't know why, but the last 3 days he has been doing that. Mostly in the kitchen, but today it is in the living room.

He got some clothes given to him from his 4 year old cousin and they were in his room the next thing I know is that he is bringing me clothes insisting to put them on. Well, he couldn't move then fell to the ground and was rolling around bc he couldn't get up (notice I had time to get the camera and I let him struggle, opps:))

This is what daddy and AJ do to bond:

They chase each other and wrestle and then Jason throws him on the bed. I didn't realized how much of a girl I am bc while they are having a blast I just try to stay out of the way. Not one bit of it looks appealing. Girls and boys are different, I guess:)

Saturday, January 24, 2009


So I know there are a lot of moms that read my blog, I have a question. How do you night potty train a child? At his naps he wakes up dry everyonce and a while but at night he doesn't. Any insite would be helpful:)

Friday, January 23, 2009

What is life really about?

I went to a women's bible study last nite. I went in blind and with out any expectations. Sarah asked a few ice breaker questions and then led us in some scriptures. She asked one question that really meant a lot and got me wondering; what life was about. The question was; why are you here and what do you want to get out of this? Katy started us out with an explanation about a sense of community and deeper friendships. I added that there have been several bible studies (all of us could relate) that you enjoy each others company but it doesn't get much deeper in the connection. We both thought that was really sad. Then we got to reflecting back about Laura Ingles Wilder and little house on the prairy. All of the women hung out together and did dishes, laundry and cooked. THey worked really hard and enjoyed each other. It was silly but true. We all have things that need to be done and bc we do those at our own houses we miss the community that working together brings. I don't think this study is going to bring about village living, but if we get creative about bringing some community to our homes I think we would all be blessed. Using our work to serve each other in a Godly fashion. I have been temped a few times to have closet cleaning parties or gift wraping parties at Christmas. I don't think this is the only way to have community but deeper relationships is the goal:)

Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy Holidays from the Rhodes Family!!!

I hope everyone had a great Holiday and was able to see all of their loved ones. We had a great trip to OK and are happy to be home. AJ was really fun this year. He has been watching Wow Wow Wubbzy and all of his presents (even the underwear) were 'Wow, wow', and then he was on to the next one. His favorites this year were a scooter and this Tigger that rolls. He had a good time.

AJ loves to cook

IN the morning he knows that we have eggs and he loves to help. He says 'egg' and then 'up'. He hands me the eggs and then I set him on the counter and he cracks the egg and I put it in the bowl. He then asks for a fork so he can make circles (stir them). It has made cooking a lot more enjoyable for me:) Here are a few cookie and egg making picts. (The first time we tried to take a pict he almost burned his leg so we tried again.)

AJ is a trickie one

We have been able to let AJ play in his room without destroying anything for quite some time. Well, he was playing in the kitchen with playdoh and I stepped out of the room. Not a new thing for us. Well, when I came back he had gotten into the fresh fudge we had made for the Holidays and fingerpainted all over the window. A creative little thing. He kept saying 'yum yum' and he was truly having a good time. It was hard for us to be mad. It was bad.