What is up with this weather?
It was like 55 degrees in April and we are like lets BBQ thinking it would be the season for it soon. We have had a monsoon and just when we think summer/spring is finally here it rains again. Now June is almost here and we still have crazy weather. Almost everyday that we can be outside we are. We have been walking at Queeny Park and enjoying the sunset and wildlife. It has been really neat to hang out, outside. AJ loves it.
Jason's Parents were in!
We went to New Town to show them some of the town and houses.
Well, later his mom and I gave a redo to my flower arrangement. It has been there for 4 years since we have changed that arrangement. I was changing my kitchen to a more spring look with greens and blues and yellows accented with black and white. So we went to the store and picked out all of the flowers and put it together. This is what it looked like.
Hey could you do me a favor and change my blog on your blogroll from our last name to Two Lines On a Stick or just Tara? I try to stay un-Google-able with my name so that in-laws and other people can't find me if I don't want them to! Thanks :)
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