Saturday, March 01, 2008

So I wanted to blog on Fridays and I do have an excuse. It sucks:(

We found out the information about my sister and then it went down hill from there. My mom is leaving her husband after an unfortunate event. (I can tell you later if you ask). So we were packing on Friday at my mom's house. So here is my Friday post.

So as I said that week went down hill. I found out a couple of people we knew from other people died. It has not been a good time. Anyways, the people involved are taking it as good as they can and life will move on. I love the song 'Time will heal Pain'. I never understood that country song until I got older. It is so true. I have lost a few loved ones and life does go on. It is good to greeve and then I think it is healthier to live life.

I am not usually a worrier, but this week has put me a in state of thankfulness and then fear. I have been thanking God for everything I have been given and for my family that is alive. But I have been thinking about freak accidents and other horrible things. I don't like to attract those thoughts into my life so I'm trying to stop but this week has been something else.

So on a fun note.

Yesterday Jason took me out for my birthday. It is Sunday but you learn to take any time you can away from the little one. I had been wanting to go to the 'Melting Pot' so we went. It was good, but I hate being that full. Then he gave me a list of the Coach websit handbags and told me to pick one out and then he would have his sister send it to us. (His sister hooks us up bc she works there). It was really exciting.

I got my hair cut!!

I cut twelve and 1/2 inches off and it was awesome. I was going for the look of Hollie Self from the Biggest Loser from last season finale. It looks really close I'm working on a picture so you all can see it. I don't know if I will miss my long hair but right now I don't.

Jason is doing good in school. Last weekend he went to a screening to tell people about Chiropractic and he helped some local docs with 15 potential patients. This is a really hard thing for people to do bc it is uncomfortable. He loves Chiropractic and how it changes lives. He is such a rockstar and I'm really proud of him.

AJ is great. He hasn't been in time out as much as he was so that makes it nicer to be a parent. Here are some pictures, finally of some of the stuff he has been doing.

My favorite is at bed time after he gets a bath he runs like a mad man, gets his diaper, then goes and gets his PJ's it is funny. Talk to you all soon.

AJ actually fell asleep one night in my arms. This kid doesn't do that at all. He sleeps in his bed only.

AJ loves his play dough. We were playing and he was a good helper. If you look at the design it kind of looks like Daddy:)


Jennifer said...

Can't wait to chat soon! I hope you are doing well...I'm praying for you!

Love ya!

Johnson Family said...

I forget that we share a birthday, I should have told you on Sunday when we saw you, but better late then never... Happy Birthday :)