Friday, May 23, 2008

What is up with this weather?
It was like 55 degrees in April and we are like lets BBQ thinking it would be the season for it soon. We have had a monsoon and just when we think summer/spring is finally here it rains again. Now June is almost here and we still have crazy weather. Almost everyday that we can be outside we are. We have been walking at Queeny Park and enjoying the sunset and wildlife. It has been really neat to hang out, outside. AJ loves it.

Jason's Parents were in!
We went to New Town to show them some of the town and houses.

Well, later his mom and I gave a redo to my flower arrangement. It has been there for 4 years since we have changed that arrangement. I was changing my kitchen to a more spring look with greens and blues and yellows accented with black and white. So we went to the store and picked out all of the flowers and put it together. This is what it looked like.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

What God is Doing

So God has opened some leading opportunities in our lives and we finally are ready for them. A lot of the teachings we have been hearing lately have been about Loving God, Loving People. It is funny how you can hear those words and they don't mean anything, and then one day you are actually listening and they mean something. We talked about it in our small group and we are trying to look for ways to do Gods will, look for the 'burning bush'.

I am thinking of making a career move that will entail a lot more leading and determination. I am comfortable where I am but the opportunity available with the doctors I might go in with will be wonderful for my career. If I take this position I am going to grow in areas that I need to grow in. The only thing is; I know growing isn't always comfortable. I know I will be a better doctor and business woman after this. It is really neat and I feel like this is a God thing bc they have four docs already and we had no idea that they were looking for someone. I will have to drive farther and I don't know how I will work my lunches with AJ but I hope this works out.

We will be praying and if you would help us I know how powerful prayer is and I want to make the right decision. Thanks and I will keep you updated.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Fun New Stuff

So we have been trying to get things to make our house look more 'homey'. We bought a toy box that doesn't look like one so it looks like furniture. Oh ya, a little more control. So we got a treadmill. This was a really hard decision bc we wanted one we could run on. Well, that is hard to find. But we did so we were excited. The AT&T guy came to get us advanced TV bc my mom wants it for during the day. Videos on demand is the shiznitobama. Halla!!! I had no idea what we were missing. We have had bunny ears for the last 6 years. Technology has changed a lot, to say the least.


Once I get started I can't stop (needless to say I just don't start). I really like to organize and 'spring clean'. I just don't do it a lot because I have two boys working against me. So I finally got around to de-cluttering the house today and took what we needed and why we were cluttered and tried to make it fool proof . Maybe we will make it a little longer before the house looks like crazies live there.

P.S. It is really great to hear from you all who comment. It is really fun to get little updates. Talk to you all soon.