Friday, December 12, 2008

I tagged:


Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

Here are the 6 non-impt, habits, quirks about me:

1. My favorite thing to do around Christmas is to bake Christmas cookies and candies with my mom.
2. I have to 'set the mood' to watch TV/movie ie; pick up toys, turn off lights, start the dishwasher.
3. I love to watch my kid play/be funny.
4. I eat eggs every morning.
5. I still want to build a dance room with mirrors in my house when I build it. (Doesn't every little girl, who dances, want that in their house?)
6. I have to do my make-up (not mascara) before I can do my hair in the morning (then mascara).

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So after about 12 weeks of trying to get this loan to start our own practice, we got denied. We are really bumbed because we all thought that this would go through. It has been really hard because I haven't had a job for 6 weeks now because I had to quit my job for training. It has been a huge learning process. We are still hopeful and we know that when one door closes another opens. We are just waiting for which door is going to open. We don't know what the future holds that is really hard to be ok with. If there is only one thing that this process has taught us is to trust. Trust completely in the Lord. This was something that I didn't know I had a hard time with until this process. I think so many of us are such planners and know that we have x amount of money in income and think we have some control over things. Well, this has been an eye opener and when I thought that I had learned to trust, God is telling us that we still have more to learn. We have gotten really good at knowing that he will always provide. Thanks to those of you who are praying for us. We are evaluating our options of what to do next and always know that God is Good.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Christmas had better be good

AJ is kind of a funny kid. He has a 'fun face' like I did. Serious. You know he is having fun, but he needs to tell his face sometimes. And it is hard to get a picture where he is cooperating. Well, he has found his match, HALLOWEEN!!! He has never expressed as much fun as he did on that night. Such a simple concept, I say trick or treat (in toddler words) and these grown ups give me candies. He thought it was awesome. It was the funnest holiday for us as parents.


So while I am waiting on the banks approval, I have been at home with AJ. It has been really fun and we decided that this was probably a good time to start pottie training. It hasn't been as bad as I thought it was going to be. It has been about a week and today was the first day of no accidents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was pretty happy. He doesn't pee his diaper during his naps. It has been pleasant. I guess when you wait till the right time and find the right motivator (candy) this was a good experience. Here are a few picts. We are doing good, just biting at the Bit ready to start working on the practice. Have a great Holiday:)