Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thank you guys for all of the prayers.
We have needed it. AJ's hand is doing great. He had the stitches removed on Monday and it is healing great. I was hoping this experience would keep him from throwing as many fits, but it hasn't. He He He
I didn't plan my time very good for Christmas cards. I have them and I made cookies, but this hand thing has messed up the pictures. I don't think I will get them out till later, if I get them out. Ho Ho Ho
We leave tom. for OK. We are excited. AJ gets better and better in the car so we don't dread it so much. It seems like there is something else, but I can't remember. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas this year. We are really excited to actually have some left over money to buy presents for people. Praise God for not being in school. I have never been the type to just get Christmas presents for people. Usually they know what I am getting them and they are usually practical. I am proud to say I have not asked anyone what they have wanted this year. And it has been so much fun.
Congrats to the Hyser Family on their newest addition, Kaleb. He is so cute.

Happy Holidays,
Jason, Jen, and AJ

Monday, December 10, 2007

So I don't have any pictures, yet, but AJ had a little accident over the weekend. We were eating some fruit out of a can and he started to through a fit:) Well, he gorilla slapped my lap, but the can was in the way. Needless to say he cut his hand. It was bleeding so I took him to the sink. It was a mess. I didn't realize how big of a mess until I took it out of the water and saw what had happened. Well, lets just say he had to get 8, yes that is right, 8 stitches. His hand is little, 8 stitches is a big deal. We had to strap him into this cocoon thing so that the doctor could work on him. It was not fun:( I did not signed up for this. I hope this is the only thing we have to go through with having a courious little BOY. Keep us in your prayers, Please. Talk to you all soon.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hey All, I know it has been like since May or something but a lot has happened in the Rhodes's life. We have moved two times, I graduated from Chiropractic School, we welcomed a new nephew into the world, and I'm sure there's more. In the mean time we haven't had the Internet and then when we got it our computer blew up! I know right?! Enough excuses. Jason has figured out Logan and is a rock star. AJ has gotten over a black eye very nicely (he got 'helped' off of a bunk bed) and I think he is working on his next molars. I am enjoying work just fine. Family time is my favorite. So about Halloween, we were going to go out trick or treating, AJ was Tigger, and had a dum dum sucker before we left. He loved it to say the least. So when it was gone he was wanting more. Well, I am a little weak and he was being so cute so he got another one. Well, when that one was gone he, of course, wanted another one. He couldn't recover from the fit throwing when he couldn't have a THIRD sucker and had to go to bed. Anyways it was still cute to see him in his costume. I love you all and will talk to you soon.

Friday, May 25, 2007

New Tunnel
AJ and Kaiya Got a new Tunnel from their Mimi. AJ cried and was scared of it at first, but when Kaiya got in it he didn't mind too much. They both really like it now. They giggle and laugh together. It is cute.

We went to the Zoo
My mom, aunt, her girls, my brother, his girlfriend, Landon, baby Ryan, Max, AJ, and I went to the Zoo. It was fun. We saw the Puffins, Penguins, Zebras, Giraffs, and Monkeys. There was more but those were the highlights. Landon thought the monkey house was "stanky" and AJ wanted his second nap, all in all it was a good time. This was AJ's third time going to the zoo, but the first time with me, so it was AJ's first time:) Plus these are the first pictures of proof.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I know that you all think that we have fallen of the face of the earth, but we haven't. I have not been able to post. I apologize. I was just trying to log on, and I've been having troubles. There won't be any pictures today because I don't have any with me (we don't have the Internet at home right now). I'll put some on my jump drive and post them soon.

The Rhodes family is finally in a house. We are still renting but it is a major improvement. We love having the extra space and a yard. AJ loves the hardwood floors, but his legs don't. He thinks he is the King of the house. He is actually able to roam without getting in as much trouble:) We hosted Easter this year. It was wonderful. There was about 15 people there, and we had a Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. It was nice.

AJ is walking all over the place and is having a great time. He has 8 teeth and we are expecting 2 more soon. AJ has been dealing with a nocturnal (night) cough for a few weeks now and we can't get him over it. We recently took him to the Ped. and he said he has Allergies!! Well, actually it was, "He doesn't have Pneumonia or asthma so I guess it is allergies". We don't know to what yet. We have started giving him some natural supplements and he has been allowing me to adjust him, and finally he is doing much better. I think what happened is that we have had crazy weather and our windows have been open some of the time. I don't know if it is the pollen, but his diet hasn't changed for a while so that's what is getting the blame. He knows some sign language. Kaiya's mom brought over some of them and they have been learning them. He has mastered; Hi, Buy, Eat, All done, Please, blow a kiss ,and I think that is it. It is really neat to be able to communicate with your child this early.
AJ loves to sit in the oven drawer. It is one of his favorite things to do.

This is a one seater. Kaiya wanted to sit with AJ and he let her. They love this piano.

Jason is finished with finals and is getting himself prepared for the next trimester. He is going to have quite the load. He was just elected to Co-President of a Club he is in at School. We are pretty proud of him. This group is called Maximized Living and is about teaching you how to run a large Chiropractic practice (so that you can help as many people as possible) and still have a great Spiritual and Family (and friend) life. All of those things are important to us.

I am finished with finals for good!!!! I will have to take my last boards in the middle of May, but I will never take another Logan test again. It is an awesome feeling. Ask me how good it really feels after boards. So right now we are supposed to be on a break, but in order for me to start with that Doctor in the end of May, I have to have all of my Logan requirements complete. So there is a little pressure to get everything done, but I know I can do it. (I have to:)) So until later when I put up the pictures, See ya.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

We have a new Arrival!!

Well, not us but the Johnson's. They were in our old small group. Plus, Jason and I go to school with Josh. Sarah and Josh welcomed baby Andrew on Thursday at 1:40 in the morning (about). He weighed 8 lbs and 6 oz. He is so adorable. The new parents were very proud.

AJ's Spinning

This was just a cute picture of him getting spun in a chair. He was having a good time and you can tell. If you look really close you can see his newest tooth. It is his upper left tooth. It arrived a few days ago, but we knew it was comming 4 weeks before that:)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Wrapping up the first year

AJ is almost 1. I can't believe it. He has
gotten so big. He went from 7 to 23 pounds in this year. I hold little babies and it really is hard to think that he was that little at one time. He has 4 teeth and he is the fastest bear crawler we know:)(ok he is the only one we know). He has been a real joy to our lives. He is a gift from God.

Has he gotten cute or what? He has started talking a little bit. He is not a parrot yet; he says things when he wants to. He will call Jason, "DaDa". He says "Hi" on the phone. He says his name all day. He says "Ah Jh" it is funny. Now everyone calls him that instead of AJ. He still only whines "mama" but I know he will say it normal someday (I like it). He doesn't say them very clear, but we know what he is saying.

AJ will walk; eventually

He doesn't really seem like he wants to walk. He is happy getting around by crawling. Although, he
loves his walker. He grins the whole time he walks with it. He can walk with us holding one hand and he likes to stand by himself, but no walking. I don't think we are ready for it anyways.

He's up against the wall

We were moving things into the other room and he was in the middle of the mess. Then Jason called me in to see that AJ was standing up against the wall. We thought it was funny looking. He is going to be upright soon. It's going to be a different look.

We wanted to see what his hair would look like mohawked. We haven't done it in a while because his hair had gotten longer. I didn't realize how long it had gotten. It was out of control and he didn't like it either:)

Jason and I

We are doing good. We are back to school and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I start my new job in May, and I am really excited. I have started some training now and I am going to learn a lot. I really like treating patients.

Jason is working and going to school. He is a wonderful husband and father. We are both really enjoying this chapter in our lives, and we need prayer for our future plans:)